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It was the Assyrians, however, whose reputation for such savagery would be transmitted down the ages.

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Even the Hebrews, according the Bible, put to the sword those they conquered. In ancient times captured cities or towns would be pillaged and their inhabitants massacred whole lands would be turned into regions of ruins and skeletons. The mass murder of their own citizens or those under their protection or control by emperors, kings, sultans, khans, presidents, governors, generals, and other such rulers is very much part of our history. The whole people must be wiped out of existence, and none be left to think of them and shed a tear.'

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Graduate Syllabus on Repression and DemocideĪgamemnon: 'My dear Menelaus, why are you so chary of taking men's lives? Did the Trojans treat you as handsomely as that when they stayed in your house? No we are not going to leave a single one of them alive, down to the babies in their mothers' wombs-not even they must live. 'The Holocaust in comparative and historical perspective'

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'Democide in totalitarian states: mortacracies and megamurderers' 'War isn't this century's biggest killer' Other Democide Related Documents On This Site Nontechnical:

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