Plot: This novella we see Tarver before he goes on board the Icarus ship and before he meets Lilac, but it also goes between present Tarver and past Tarver. I actually li First read: April 23rd 2018įirst time reading a book of my phone and it was a very different experience for me, but this was the novella that is based around Tarver and Lilac as they reconcile some of his memories and this one is set six months before the initial icarus crash.
First read: April 23rd 2018 re-read: August 17th 2020 actual rating: 3.5 first time reading a book of my phone and it was a very different experience for me, but this was the novella that is based around Tarver and Lilac as they reconcile some of his memories and this one is set six months before the initial icarus crash.